This blog focuses on sharing important information, classroom work, and photos taken throughout the past three weeks.
Veteran's Day Update:
On Tuesday, December 14th, members of the BFA student body including the band, vocal quartet, and speakers were recognized by the Veterans of Foreign Wars for their participation in the recent Veteran’s Day parade and ceremony in Taylor Park.
VFW members Melody Thibault and Allen Brown presented awards to the BFA students in front of the school Tuesday morning. Emily Parent, Sarah McConnell, Pilot DesLauriers, and Nicolas Paquette were recognized for their performance of the National Anthem under the direction of BFA Choral Director Armand Messier. Bug Galuszka and Ryan Naef were recognized for their performs of “Taps” at the ceremony. Cadien Shuford was recognized for the speech he delivered about being the son of a veteran. The BFA Marching Band, Eric Bushey Director, was also recognized for leading the parade and performing “The Dirge” in the park.
Veteran’s Day (formerly known as “Armistice Day”) has been celebrated in St. Albans for around 100 years with BFA participating since 1930 when its first band director, Sterling D. Weed led the band. With the exception of 2020, when we did a virtual presentation for the Veterans, BFA Music has been involved continually.
Powder Puff Donation to Camp TaKumTa-thon:
Wednesday morning (12/15/2021), representatives from both the BFA and MVU Powder Puff teams came together once again to be able to donate part of their proceeds to Camp Ta Kum Ta. As has been the tradition for the past few years, the teams wait until KOOL105 Radio Station has their Camp TaKumTa-thon to make their donation. The four ladies who represented the two schools talked with the radio station via phone conference.
The 2021 Powder Puff Event was able to donate $13,082.50 to Camp Ta Kum Ta this year. This will send at least five kids to camp this summer!
Thank you Franklin County for helping these two groups of seniors do great things!
Abigail Paquette (MVU), Maddie Lampman (MVU), Dan Palmer (MVU), John Lumsden (MVU), Dan Marlow (BFA), Jay Hartman (MVU), Jenny Parent (BFA), Naomi Edele (MVU), and Sophie Zemianek (BFA).
Operation Happiness:
Operation Happiness, 900 boxes across Franklin County! NCTC and BFA students packed boxes on Thursday and on Friday the BFA boys and girls hockey team helped distribute them to families.This year the BFA community came together to provide food and gift cards to 30 of our BFA families! A special thank you to Mary Brouilettes' classes for helping organize the food, BFA teachers and staff who have volunteered to deliver, Vermont Federal Credit Union for their generous donations, and the greater Saint Albans Community for coming together to help one another. We couldn't have done it without you!BFA Rotary Interact and National Art Honor Society:
BFA Rotary Interact, National Art Honor Society and our very own district occupational therapist, Sandra Casavant spent the morning building adaptive stands to hold IPADS and phones for those living with physical challenges in the community. The devices will be used within the district and also at area rehabilitation centers.
BFA Instant Decision Day:
BFA hosted its 4th annual Instant Decision Day with the Vermont State Colleges. 14 seniors participated in this exciting event and even some graduates!!! Thank you for your support of our students.
BFA hosted its first-ever Fine Arts Night on December 9th. Please read our recent Mercury article by Cassidy Audette and enjoy the photos of this event.
Cora Thomas wins Silver Gloves and will head to Regionals in January 2022!
Cora Thomas of Fairfield defeated Brooke McBrine of Windham, NH, via 2nd round TKO. With the win, Thomas became the New England junior female open class champion at 119 lbs.
Congratulations Business November and December Students of the Month:
Career Exploration Class:
Game of Life Tournament learning how to live on our own.
Leadership Training Class:
Working on a positive mindset with the Buzz Rings.
These are students working on gathering data for stats and data representations with coins, dice, cards, and balloons in Algebra II.
Physical Science making electromagnets:
Poetry Out Loud Class:
Samuel Boudreau ('15), who won the VT state Poetry Out Loud competition in 2014 and 2015 and went onto national's, visited Mrs. Hebert's English classes to help students prepare for their Poetry Out Loud class competitions. Photos were taken by Asher Ballantine.
Please see this Mercury article for more information:
Global Citizenship Class:
The 9th-grade students in Miss Madeiros' Global Citizenship class have been working hard this holiday season to raise awareness and take action to work towards achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, are a set of 17 goals that work towards making the world a safer, more sustainable, and happy place for all. Throughout the semester, students chose a SDG that interested them, completed research, and completed a community engagement activity that allowed them to have an active role in achieving this goal that they learned about. Here are some of the highlights of student work and activities:
One student created a survey for her peers to gain data on gender equality in our community
Two students created Facebook fundraisers to raise money for Martha's Kitchen and together raised over $350.
Two students raised money for St. Jude's hospital by holding a bake sale in the connector after school.
Many students donated food to either Martha's Kitchen or the community food drive being held at our school.
Some students created slideshows to present their information to others through social media, blogs, websites, and more.
Many students created awareness posters that were posted around the school. Here are some examples:
Comets Hockey continue the tradition:
With a full regular-season schedule in store for 2021-22, the Comets hockey team was able to bring back a 12-year tradition; the Christi Corrigan Blitz. The tournament acts as a two-game jumpstart to the season for the teams who participate. This year, BFA faced off with the Hingham High School Harborwomen (MA) on Friday, Dec. 10, and the Potsdam Central School Sandstoners (NY) on Saturday, Dec. 11.

Doc Tuilp Hockey Classic:
Bobwhite Basketball Opening Game 12/14/21:
Comet Basketball Team:
Nordic Team:
The BFA St. Albans Nordic team skied at Rikert on Wednesday, Dec. 12.
Winter Spirit Week:
Congratulations to Chef Adam!
Adam Monette is the Champion of Food Network’s Holiday Baking Competition!!! The BFA/NCTC community is so proud of you!! Congratulations!
Mercury Update:
Click here to read recent Mercury articles.
Special Print Edition of The Mercury:
BFA's Journalism club is in the beginning stages of preparing for our special print edition of The Mercury.
We are again looking for local businesses to pay for advertising to help support our production costs. If your business advertised in last year's paper, we can use that ad again (with payment, of course)!
ere are the costs:
Small - $20 (2" x "2.75, vertical) maximum 10
Medium - $40 (4" x 2", horizontal) maximum 10
Large - $60 (4" x 4", square) maximum 10
We will also have a page to thank individual/personal donors.
Please make checks out to MRUSD, specifying that the check is for The Mercury advertising. The deadline for advertisements and payment is February 1st. Checks can be mailed to att: Larissa Hebert BFA 71 S. Main Street St. Albans, VT 05478
Thank you for your support!
Larissa & The Mercury staff
· Online yearbook link:
· For sale now until December 31st yearbook $50
· For sale from January 1st-March 4th yearbook $55
· Personalization available until January 28, 2022
Winter Break Activities:
VT Food Programs: