Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday, January 28, 2022, Weekly Administrative Blog

This blog focuses on sharing important information, classroom work, and photos taken throughout the week.

Program of Studies:
Check out all that BFA has to offer!  Here is a link to the '22-'23 Program of Studies 

Semester 1 Report Cards are available on PowerSchool. Click here to learn how to access the reports.

Career Connections Presentations with Green Mountain Power:
On Wednesday, January 26th during enrichment BFA and NCTC hosted a career connections presentation with Green Mountain Power. A representative from the company discussed job types within the company, typical responsibilities of the different job types, what makes a good job candidate/employee, as well as what kind of opportunities are available for high school students or recent graduates, and how to apply! 

We would like to thank Glen Johnson and Graham Turk from Green Mountain Power for taking the time to speak to students about career opportunities in line work, data management, engineering, and renewable energy.

The final semester dance performance happened on Thursday, January 6th in the Performing Arts Center at 7pm. This piece titled "Water" was choreographed by Dance Director Alexis Kamitses and was one of the pieces performed by the intro to dance class in this show. Performing in this version are Haylee Newhall, Abby Velardo, Kyla Cook, Ayvah Labelle, and Anastasia Cheney.

Final Semester Dance Performance

Mercury Update:
Click here to read recent Mercury articles.

Bridget Higdon, the editor of The Messenger visited Larissa Hebert's journalism class to teach students about the interview process and give them tips.

Poetry Out Loud:
Visiting artist Andy Butterfield worked with students in preparation for next week’s Poetry Out Loud school competition. Thursday, Feb. 3 from 6-8 p.m. in the PAC.

Asher Ballantine also took photos for The Mercury of Andy Butterfield's visit to help students prepare for the school Poetry Out Loud competition.

Leadership Class:
Congratulations to:
Caroline Bliss (Outstanding Performance Award for her 90-second Relationship Talk)
Drew Ducolon (Highest Award For Achievement) This goes to the person who best exemplifies all the qualities and traits of a leader in and outside of class. Peyton Graham (Breakthrough Award) This is awarded to the student who has shown the most improvement in sharing information in class and for stretching his comfort zone more as the semester went on and with all the areas covered in Leadership Class.

Congratulations Ryann Campbell and Dominick Bessette!
PVT Ryann Campbell and PVT Dominick Bessette were promoted to PV2 (Private Second Class). A military promotion is a significant achievement in a service member’s career. It’s a testament to their commitment, mastery of duties and skills, and to the service member’s leadership capabilities. If you see these two warriors please congratulate them.

Congratulations St. Albans Messenger Athlete of the Week Lauren-Kate Garceau!

Congratulations Vermont Varsity Insider Athlete of the Week - Sophie Zeminiak!
Sophie Zemianek, BFA-St. Albans hockey: The all-star defenseman piled up three goals and four assists in BFA's 12-4 win over rival Essex. She also had a pair of assists in the Comets' 13-4 rout of Beekmantown (N.Y.).

Bobwhite Basketball:


Comet Basketball 1/22/22:

Nordic Meet 1/22/22:
The BFA St. Albans Nordic team hosted their first home meet of the season on Saturday, Jan. 22, at Hard'ack.

Comet Hockey 1-26-22:

Bobwhite Hockey 1-26-22:

Winter Dance:
With the recent uprising in covid cases, we are going to postpone the Winter Dance. Please keep your ears out for the next date!



·         Price from January 1st-March 4th yearbook $55

·         Personalization available until January 28, 2022

·         Business Ads due February 11, 2022 (email to

·         Online yearbook link:

Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022, Weekly Administrative Blog

 This blog focuses on sharing important information, classroom work, and photos taken throughout the week.


Monday, January 17th, No school; Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday, January 18th, No school for students; In-Service Day

Wednesday, January 19th is the start of the second semester. We will follow a Monday schedule so that all 7 periods meet.
Start time 7:30 am.

Congratulations Nathaniel Humphrey and Cora Thomas!
Rail City boxers, Nathaniel Humphrey and Cora Thomas competed at the 2022 Silver Gloves Northeast Regional Tournament in Albany, NY, on Saturday, Jan. 8. The Silver Gloves Regionals tournament includes the best boxers from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts.

Humphrey, of St. Albans, lost by decision to Jayden Colon of Connecticut, placing second in the male intermediate 132 lb. final. 

Cora Thomas of Fairfield went unopposed in the female 119 lb. category. Thomas moves on to the Silver Gloves Nationals in Independence, MO, in February.

Mercury Update:
Click here to read recent Mercury articles

Acting Class:
The final reading of student-written plays.

St. Albans Messenger Athlete of the Week:
Congratulations Lydia Hodgeman!

Bobwhite Hockey vs. CVU:

Senior Information

Senior VSAC Event:
VSAC specialist, Kathryn Gesser, joined the school counselors Wednesday morning in the library to assist seniors in applying for VSAC scholarships. This event is the first in a series of events intended to support awareness of post-secondary scholarship opportunities. The counseling office has found more students apply to scholarships when given the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers in the process.

We are looking forward to the Local Scholarship Event which will be held in the library on February 9th during enrichment.

Best regards,
The School Counselors

Friday, January 7, 2022

Friday, January 7, 2022, Weekly Administrative Blog

 This blog focuses on sharing important information, classroom work, and photos taken throughout the week.

Happy New Year BFA! 💫

Welcome back!
Only 1 week until Semester 1 ends.


BFA Dance Team Competition will be held on Saturday, January 8th in the BFA Gym at 9 a.m.

The International Club’s next meeting will be held next Monday, January 10th in Mr. Pollard's room (A-217).

Auditions for the One-Act Play: She Kills Monsters will be held from 3:00-4:30 in the PAC on Monday (1/10) with Call Backs on Tuesday (1/11).  Show dates are March 24th and 26th.  All are welcome!

Mrs. Rico’s Book Club – Happy New Year!  Looking for something to do?  The book club meets Fridays from 3-4 p.m. in the library.  Hope to see you this Friday.

Gaming Club meets on Mondays and Fridays after school in Room E-205 until 4:50 p.m.  All are welcome.  Email Mr. Hungerford ( if you have any questions.

The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, January 29th from 7-10 p.m. in the BFA Gym.  Admission is $7 per person or $5 per person with a non-perishable food item.  Concessions will also be available for sale.

College Fair hosted by VT Army National Guard:

December Business Students of the Month:
The Business Department wants to congratulate and thank Richard, Liam, and Stephen for their positive attitudes, being supportive of their classmates, and for demonstrating excellence in Business Management, Accounting, and Career Exploration.

Congratulations Jacob Tremblay:
Join us in congratulating BFA athlete Jacob Tremblay as he signs his National Letter of Intent to run at the University of Vermont next year. We wish him the best of luck!

Congratulations to the Messenger's Athlete of the Week - Noah Earl:

Career Connections Presentations with NASA
On Wednesday, January 12th BFA and NCTC will be hosting a career connections presentation with Ryan Jordan, an engineer with NASA’s commercial grounds systems branch. Ryan will discuss his personal career path, thoughts on careers in applied science and engineering, and opportunities with NASA.

Students can sign up to attend this on Flextime Manager by searching for the event called “Career Connection Opportunity”. This event will be held virtually from room B120a.

Email speak to Mr. Mahabir ( or Mr. Thayer ( if you have any questions.

Classroom work

Ms. Magnan and Mr. McCabe's Physics Classes:
Winners from the 10th Annual Mousetrap Car competition. Students who engineer a car that travels 24 meters (80 feet) get to add their name to the Mousetrap Car Wall of Fame.

PE Department:
The fitness equipment has arrived and these 4 students helped the PE department tremendously in bringing all of the new equipment off the truck into the weight room.
Dior Brenes
Evan Bessette
Michael Banyea
Logan Kimball

Mercury Update:
Click here to read recent Mercury articles

Mercury staff photographer, Asher Ballantine, took these photos of last night's dance performance.

Nordic Race 1/6/22:
Nordic race at Colchester. Day 1 of a 3-day multi-challenge cross country race.

Senior Information
VSAC Event:
Seniors applying to college,
VSAC applications are due February 11th. Let us help you with your application. Come to the library during enrichment next Wednesday am from 8-9:30 am. Our VSAC counselor will be in attendance.