Thank You!
Thank you to everyone that attended conferences this week, it was great seeing the halls of BFA filled with members of our community again. Thank you for working with us to support the students and their success. It is a great way to check in with teachers and to meet the people that come into contact with your student every day. If you were unable to make this week's conferences, please know that you can always contact your student's teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you to all the teachers and staff for working late into the night on Wednesday and Thursday to work and support our community.
Polly Rico, Principal
Upcoming Events
Veteran's Day Parade
The Veterans Day parade and ceremony will be held this Saturday. The parade starts at 10:30 am with a ceremony in Taylor Park to follow. Our BFA band will be marching in the parade and Abby LaBounty, a junior, will be speaking in the ceremony. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Polly Rico, Principal
Mamma Mia Rehearsal Photos!
Rotary and Club Interact
Coat Drive!
Please help Rotary and BFA Rotary Interact ensure every person in Franklin County has one warm coat. Drop-off sites: The Complex, BFA, The Creamery, People’s Trust (Franklin Park West), NMC, and Champlain Insuring (Swanton).
Congratulations October 2023
Business Students of the Month!
The Business Department wants to congratulate and thank Caleb, Sharra, and Finn for their positive attitudes, being supportive of their classmates, and for demonstrating excellence in Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Accounting, Leadership, and Personal Finance.
Congratulations Cross Country Teams
at the Meet of Champions!
Click here to read the article written by Coach Mashtare:
The boys cross country team raced to a third-place finish at the Meet of Champions.
Left to right: Jacoby Soter, Teddy Trembley, Ethan Barbieri, Toby Hurteau, Porter Hurteau, Noah Lavigne, Eli Hazen, Liam Patenaude
Medalists left to right: Jacoby Soter, Toby and Porter Hurteau, Ruby Dasaro, Kaitlyn Lumbra, Eli Hazen, and Teddy Tremblay.
Congratulations Porter Hurteau
1st Place at the
2023 Meet of Champions!
Congratulations Teddy Tremblay
St. Albans Messenger
Athlete of the Week!!
Congratulations 2023 All-StarVolleyball Recognitions & Awards!
First Team: Amelia Weber
Second Team: Aiyana Auer, Leah Fitzgerald, Grace Burnor,
Ava Hutchins, and Kristie LaBelle
Georgia 8th Grader Visit &
work with Period 2 Leadership Class
Team Building Activities
Nov. 9th
National Art Honor Society
at Trunk or Treat in Fairfield!
Classroom / Enrichment Photos
NHS writing letters to Veterans
The three CIP Amigos sporting their new BFA tie dye!
BFA Student Council has organized
a Spirit Wear Sale!
Click here for recent posts:
Save the Dates
ASAVB Career Aptitude & Military Readiness Test
November 29, 2023
On Wednesday, November 29th from 8:30-11:30, BFA and NCTC will be offering the ASVAB Career Aptitude & Military Readiness test.
If you are interested in discovering how your strengths connect to career options and/or military service after high school, join us for the test!
Complete this permission form and return it to BFA Guidance ASAP. Printed copies of the permission form are available in BFA Guidance as well.
*Scores will be reported to BFA/NCTC and NOT be shared directly with military recruiters.
Email or speak to Mr. Mahabir (lmahabir@maplerun.org) or Mr. Thayer (rthayer@maplerun.org) if you have any questions.
BFA Experience
December 5, 2023
Attention Seniors and Families:
We’re off to a great start to your senior year! Here’s a recap of what we currently have in the works regarding graduation:
September - October. Cap and Gown Forms were handed out at the September Senior Class Meeting and have been submitted to Balfour. If you missed the October due date, I have ordered extra sizes that will be available. Payment will be due in June when you pick up your cap and gown ($25, check made payable to Balfour).
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 802-527-6400 or email me at tcallan@maplerun.org.
Sincerely, Theresa Callan, Graduation Coordinator