Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11, 2020 Administrative Update

September 11, 2020

Dear Green and Gold Community:

Welcome to our first weekly Administrative Green and Gold Blog of the 2020-2021 school year. The principal's office will be posting weekly Friday afternoon updates.

Opening Message:

After six long months, BFA is up and running with the excitement of having students once again in our hallways, classrooms, and on our athletic fields. On Tuesday, we welcomed all our 9th graders during Freshman Orientation. The day provided the opportunity for all students to become familiar with their classmates, teachers, classrooms, and safety guidelines. It also allowed us to see how best to adjust some of our safety procedures to better meet the needs of the Green and Blue cohorts. Thanks to these minor adjustments, yesterday and today we were able to efficiently and effectively process nearly 400 students into the building and off to their first period.

Personally, being able to visit classrooms, talk to some students, and see students engaged in their classes reminded me of why we all love what we do. It also reminded me of how important it was to get students back into the building. Lunches also moved smoothly, especially when considering how long it would take during a ‘normal’ first day of school. As I said during today’s opening assembly, I was proud to see everyone wearing masks and trying to follow the new traffic pattern in both buildings. They did all this while politely answering me whenever we engaged in conversation.

Yesterday I was able to get to the Collins-Perley Complex to see around 350 of our student-athletes setting an example for all of us. It was beyond impressive to see all our kids managing in a world, not of their creation. Every student-athlete had a mask on regardless of running laps, engaged in drills, or listening to instruction. Regardless of the merits of these state-mandated rules, our student-athletes and coaches are to be commended for their efforts.

With improved student voice being a major goal this year, it has been a pleasure to have several students already meet with me over some of their ideas. While I had planned on waiting several weeks before starting extracurricular activities, thanks to some creative solutions and advocacy from a student, we are now planning on starting some next week. Another student pitched a proposal for creating a large mural outside my office and I am now excited to see it underway.

Monday will have the Blue cohort into our building for in-person learning while Thursday and Friday’s Green cohort connects with all their classes virtually. Finally, for this week, I would once again like to thank the BFA staff for their dedication and professionalism as they met this new world of education head-on and were prepared for our opening week.

Brett Blanchard
Brett Blanchard
BFA Principal

Additional Information
-Hybrid students must attend school on in-person and virtual days or they will be marked absent.
-If a student is going to be absent, they must contact the Attendance Monitor at 527-6409.
-Masks should cover the nose and mouth. 

Yearbook Information:
The BFA 2020-2021 Yearbook can now be ordered online. The link has been opened.
$40 until December 31st, 2020
$50 January 1st, 2021 - March 5th, 2021
Last day for personalizing your yearbook cover online ...January 29th, 2021
Senior Info:
November 1st - Senior Portraits Due
November 20th - Senior PDAs Due
Order now for the best deal!