This week saw the grand opening of our stunning new connector, and it could not have been opened at a more fortuitous time. It is not so much the weather to which I refer, but the physical symbolism that this well-designed, beautiful, and spacious connector offers. I will not say overly much about the connector itself as one of our terrific BFA Mercury writers, Adelyne Collins, has already produced a superb piece of journalism that you may read below; also please see the many other diverse articles students have written for the BFA Mercury. This week saw so many valuable connections that we have included more photos, videos, and links than normal.
At the end of the day today, we provided 580 take-home meals for our greater BFA/NCTC community. This terrific community connection follows our Interact students collecting over 1,000 coats for community distribution during the coming weeks. To go along with these incredibly impressive BFA community connections, the National Honor Society continues to collect toiletries and other needed items for the benefit of many of our families. I am in awe of the efforts this week that our staff and students have done to improve the lives of hundreds of our families. We will continue to connect with our community no matter what difficulties are placed in front of us.
I hope everyone has a positive weekend and a family connecting Thanksgiving. Please do enjoy tonight’s 7:00 PM BFA Theater production of The Brothers Grimm (link below).
Brett Blanchard
Photos and More Information
Meal pick up for the week of November 23rd will be on Friday, November 20th at BFA from 2:30-3:00 (outside of the Principal’s office) or November 24th at BFA from 2:30 – 3:00 (outside of Principal’s office) or SATEC from 11:30 – 12:30 or 4:00 – 5:00 (in the back parking lot). Families will receive one bulk food package for each child (ages 0-18). Families will need to sign up to receive this by calling Teri Brunelle at 527-6404 or Be sure to indicate which day/location you will be receiving meals and how many packages you will need.
The Bellows Free Academy Theater Company will be presenting a One-Act Play entitled:
Please support the BFA Theatre Company by viewing the online production of The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon on Friday at 7PM at the following link. BFA Theater Production
This is a fun comedy mash-up of fairy tales intended for young adults and adults. It runs for one hour and will begin promptly at 7PM. We are inviting people to take a photo of themselves watching the show to share on our website. Send your photo to Emily Parent, the Theatre Council Media Director. Thanks so much for supporting these amazing and resilient students!
There will be individual winter athletic team meetings starting Monday, November 30th.
The first day of winter athletic team practices will be Wednesday, December 2nd.
If you go out of Vermont during the Thanksgiving break, you will need to be quarantined and will not be able to enter BFA or the Collins Perley Sports Center for the start of the Winter Tryouts.
Thanks, Dan Marlow