Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday, October 28, 2022, Weekly Administrative Update

This blog focuses on sharing important information, classroom work, and photos taken throughout the week.

Upcoming Events

Winter Sports Sign-Ups
Sign-ups for anyone interested in playing a winter sport will open this Friday, October 28th.  Please go to the BFA Athletic website for information and directions.

Career Connections Presentations:

BETA Technologies

Students: On Wednesday, November 2nd, DURING ENRICHMENT, BFA and NCTC will be hosting a career connections presentation with BETA Technologies. During the presentation, representatives from the company will discuss job types in the organization, typical responsibilities of the different job types, and what makes a good job candidate/employee. They will also cover what kind of opportunities are available for high school students, recent graduates, as well as individuals who have experience in the field. If you are interested in ENGINEERING, AVIATION, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING, or the AEROSPACE fields please attend! Please sign up to attend this on Flextime Manager by searching for the event called “Career Connection Opportunity.” This event will be held live from room B120a.

Email or speak to Mr. Mahabir ( or Mr. Thayer ( if you have any questions.


Cost of book $50 until October 31, 2022
Cost of book $60 November 1, 2022-February 23, 2023
Senior Photos are due November 4, 2022
Senior PDAs due November 18, 2022
Personalized books available until January 27, 2023
Business Ads due February 10, 2023
Online ordering link: 

Picture Retakes November 3rd 
Students, Picture Retakes are scheduled for Thursday, November 3rd starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Project Space. If you missed the first round of photos, this is your chance! If you wish to have retakes done, please return the original package of photos to the photographer on November 3rd.

Fall Band/Chorus Concert

Save the Date:
The Fall Concert - Band/Chorus
Wednesday, November 9th, 

in the GYM at 7PM

Conferences: Mark your calendar 👀 
In-person and virtual options are available!
Tuesday, November 15th, 4:00-8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 16th, 3:00-8:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 17th, 3:00-6:30 p.m.
(Addams Family Theater Performance starts at 7:00!)

Tuesday, November 22nd, 7:30-3:00 p.m.

Each teacher will open 7.5 hours of conference time slots.
Sign-up will be available on Pick-A-Time from November 7th-November 14th.

BFA THEATER Presents...
Addams Family House

Tickets are on sale now at ticket leap
The shows are on November 17/18/19 at 7pm 
with a matinee on the 19th at 1:00
Purchase tickets here!

Cast warming up for musical rehearsal!
Show is November 17,18,19th!!

National Honor Society
NHS bake sale raised donations for the food shelf. Fall treats became $400!

Movie Night October 26th
The BFA Halloween Outdoor Movie night was a huge success! We had over 200 students participate, and the weather was beautiful. We raised $1038 at the door and collected 4 grocery bags full of nonperishable food for the food shelf. Our Freshman class raised $358 selling food.

School Safety Workers
Meet our BFA Team: William Westen, Michael Mazzaferro & Dennis Ward

Jaylin Bedard and Nick Galuszka!!
Saint Albans Messenger Athlete of the Week: Jaylin Bedard helped lead her team to victory in the final two regular season games, ensuring the sixth seed in the playoffs and a home playoff game!

Saint Albans Messenger Athlete of the Week: Nick Galuszka helped lead the Bobwhite volleyball team to a victory over Vermont Commons in the final week of the regular season.

BFA Music Classes

Fall Sports

Senior Information

Attention Seniors and Families:

We’re off to a great start to your senior year! I wanted to recap what we currently have in the works regarding graduation:
  • September - Cap and Gown Forms were handed out at your Senior Class Meeting and by our Balfour Representative. If you have not completed this, please come see me in the Principal’s Office. Payment will be due in June when you pick up your cap and gown ($25).
  • October - The Diploma Name Form was sent out to seniors for completion by the end of October so that I may place the order for your diploma.
  • November - Senior photographs are due by November 4th to Mrs. Parent (email
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 527-6400 or email me at

Theresa Callan
Graduation Coordinator