Monday, August 28, 2023

Weekly Administrative Update - Welcome Back to School


We Are BFA!
"Growing Green and Gold Pride"

Dear BFA Students and Families,

Welcome to BFA! I hope you had a restful and fun summer and are ready to embark on the new school year.  A new school year brings about so many emotions, some being excitement and nervousness.  The teachers, staff, and administration are here to support you and to ensure that your high school experience is welcoming and engaging. 

Here at BFA, we are committed to providing a well-rounded education that equips students with skills needed in a rapidly changing world.  Our dedicated faculty and staff have been working diligently to ensure this year is filled with engaging experiences and a supportive learning environment.  As Principal, I believe in high expectations with support in place so that we can all meet the expectations that lay before us.  It is our goal to make sure those expectations are clearly communicated. We will spend the first days of school clearly going over some of the expectations in this letter as well as others in order to create a safe and engaging learning environment. 


    BFA communicates information in a multitude of ways, such as the BFA Webpage,, where you can find Daily Announcements, Student/Parent Handbook, Events, News, Administrative Newsletter/Blog, as well as a link to our BFA Facebook page. You've received an email from the BFA Information Technology Department with your Powerschool Login information as well as necessary forms that you will need to complete, such as Health Forms, Free and Reduced Lunch Forms, Student Verification Information, etc. If you need paper copies of these forms, we will be happy to send them to you, so please let us know if needed. 

Please contact us if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you!  


Polly Rico

Polly Rico, Principal


The first day of school for 9th grade is August 30th.  9th-grade students will be the only students in the building on this day.  Below is the schedule for the day:

9th Grade First Day

8:10-8:30    Welcome in the GYM

8:35-8:50    Advisory- receive schedules/directions/Chromebook computers

8:55-9:30    Period 1

9:35-10:10    Period 2

10:15-10:50   Period 3

10:55-11:30  Period 4

11:35-12:10   Period 5 (lunch 1)

12:15-12:50   Period 5 (lunch 2)

12:55-1:25    PAC with Period 5 for Class Meeting

1:30-2:05    Period 6

2:10-2:45    Period 7

2:45-2:50   Dismissal 

Full Day for ALL STUDENTS (9,10,11,12) 

8:10-8:30   Advisory (9th Grade 8:10-8:30)

                    Advisory (10-12th schedules and welcome to school expectations)

8:35- 9:15  Period 1 

9:20 -10:00 Period 2

10:05-10:45  Period 3

10:50-11:30   Period 4

11:35-11:55    Enrichment (NCTC Lunch)     

12:00-1:15    Period 5 

                       12:00-12:25 L1

                       12:25-12:50 L2

                       12:50- 1:15  L3

1:20-2:00 Period 6

2:05-2:45     Period 7

2:45-2:50      Dismissal

BFA Schedule- The school day is from 8:10am- 2:50pm. Please note Call Back which is described at the bottom of the schedule.  If students enter the building before 8:00 am, they are to wait in the cafeteria and enjoy breakfast.  Students are to enter through the Connector and may exit at the end of the day through the Connector, Main Office exit, and Principal’s Office exit. 

2023-2024 School Year Calendar

All schools in the Maple Run Unified School District use the same School Year Calendar.  Click the link to see the calendar or visit the BFA Website

Meet New Staff
Please welcome our new BFA Staff Members. 💚💛

Photos throughout the Week of Aug 21-24!

MRUSD Speak Choir rehearsing for convocation!

Principal Rico said "thank you" to our fantastic summer custodians and maintenance staff with a pizza and Ben & Jerry's ice cream gathering in between shifts!

Powder Puff at Camp Ta Kum Ta 8/23/23

The BFA Powder Puff team took the program’s annual trip out to Camp Ta Kum Ta! The players received a tour and then were put to work. They weeded four different areas, swept the cabins, stacked and moved wood in two different places and did some serious pruning to reclaim the fence line along the Memorial Garden. These seniors proved once again why we should be proud of our students!

August 24, 2023 Inservice Faculty Meeting

Principal Rico welcomed the staff back to school.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Back to School Edition of the Administrative Blog

 We Are BFA!

"Growing Green and Gold Pride"

Back to School Edition

Upcoming Important Dates

First full day for 9th graders - August 30th
First full day for all students - August 31st
9th Grade Family Night - September 18th 6-8pm

Welcome Back Letter


Dear BFA Students and Families,

Welcome to BFA! I hope you had a restful and fun summer and are ready to embark on the new school year.  A new school year brings about so many emotions, some being excitement and nervousness.  The teachers, staff, and administration are here to support you and to ensure that your high school experience is welcoming and engaging. 

Here at BFA, we are committed to providing a well-rounded education that equips students with skills needed in a rapidly changing world.  Our dedicated faculty and staff have been working diligently to ensure this year is filled with engaging experiences and a supportive learning environment.  As Principal, I believe in high expectations with support in place so that we can all meet the expectations that lay before us.  It is our goal to make sure those expectations are clearly communicated. We will spend the first days of school clearly going over some of the expectations in this letter as well as others in order to create a safe and engaging learning environment. 


    BFA communicates information in a multitude of ways, such as the BFA web page,, where you can find Daily Announcements, Student/Parent Handbook, Events, News, Administrative Newsletter/Blog, as well as a link to our BFA Facebook page. You will be receiving an email from the BFA Information Technology Department with your Powerschool Login information as well as necessary forms that you will need to complete, such as Health Forms, Free and Reduced Lunch Forms, Student Verification Information, etc. If you need paper copies of these forms, we will be happy to send them to you, so please let us know if needed. 

 While the school year is fast approaching, there is some essential information relevant to the beginning of school. Please take the time to read through this letter as it contains many details.

The first day of school for 9th grade is August 30th.  9th Grade students will be the only students in the building on this day.  Below is the schedule for the day:

9th Grade First Day

8:10-8:30    Welcome in the GYM

8:35-8:50    Advisory- receive schedules/directions/Chromebook computers

8:55-9:30    Period 1

9:35-10:10    Period 2

10:15-10:50   Period 3

10:55-11:30  Period 4

11:35-12:10   Period 5 (lunch 1)

12:15-12:50   Period 5 (lunch 2)

12:55-1:25    PAC with Period 5 for Class Meeting

1:30-2:05    Period 6

2:10-2:45    Period 7

2:45-2:50   Dismissal 

Full Day for ALL STUDENTS (9,10,11,12) 

8:10-8:30   Advisory (9th Grade 8:10-8:30)

                    Advisory (10-12th schedules and welcome to school expectations)

8:35- 9:15  Period 1 

9:20 -10:00 Period 2

10:05-10:45  Period 3

10:50-11:30   Period 4

11:35-11:55    Enrichment (NCTC Lunch)     

12:00-1:15    Period 5 

                       12:00-12:25 L1

                       12:25-12:50 L2

                       12:50- 1:15  L3

1:20-2:00 Period 6

2:05-2:45     Period 7

2:45-2:50      Dismissal

Bus Schedules- click on link to see detailed schedule

9th Grade Orientation is on Monday September 18, 2023.  This year we are moving Orientation later in order to give students time to get to know the building.  Orientation is designed to have students and families:

  • Meet with Advisors, staff, and teachers

  • Trained in accessing Powerschool and other computer programs they may engage with for curriculum and assignments. 

  • Learn strategies for managing stress and building executive functioning skills to become resilient learnings

  • Understand BFA expectations and the support to reach them. 

BFA Schedule- The school day is from 8:10am- 2:50pm. Please note Call Back which is described at the bottom of the schedule.  If students enter the building before 8:00 am, they are to wait in the cafeteria and enjoy breakfast.  Students are to enter through the Connector and may exit at the end of the day through the Connector, Main Office exit, and Principal’s Office exit. 


The State of Vermont has enabled schools to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students.  For Cafeteria information, click the link.  Parents are still asked to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form due to State reporting requirements.  Specific student lunch times will be given out on the first day of school in their Advisory. 


Lockers will not be assigned but may be requested on an individual basis.  Students, or families, may contact Peg Goldsbury in the main office.  

Guidance Office

If you need any forms, or need to schedule an appointment, please visit BFA’s Guidance Department page on the website. Counselor assignments are based alphabetically by last name.

Guidance Secretaries Contact: 

Stephanie Gagnon BFA-    802-527-6571

Martina Newall-  802-527-6570

BFA Cell Phone and Other Personal Electronic Devices (PED) Expectations

Cellphones and other PED’s have become an integral part of communication in our world; however, they lead to significant distractions in the classroom and other educational settings.  Watch this short video of “ What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains” to understand why we are limiting interactions with Cell Phones and other PED’s.  If you would like more information or resources regarding learning research and Cell Phones, please reach out. 

Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Devices (cellphones, smartwatches, and bluetooth earphones) Expectations

(MRUSD Student Cell Phone C53P) Grades 9-12

  • Personal Electronic Devices are only permitted during scheduled passing and lunch times. 

  • Cell phones, and other PED’s’ are off and away in either student’s bag or in the cell phone holders provided in classrooms. 

  • Teachers have the right to ask students to turn in their phones, or place them in a backpack,  at the start of the class. 

  •  During Advisory, faculty and staff may use their professional discretion as to when cell-phone use  is appropriate. 

  • Cell phones are permitted for use in classrooms for instructional purposes only with explicit direction from the teacher.

  • Air Pods (or any other bluetooth enabled headphones) With teacher permission during independent work time 

A failure to comply with the above expectations may result in a disciplinary action 

*Taking pictures, videos and/or sound recordings of other students and/or staff without their consent is prohibited.  

**Taking pictures, videos and/or sound recordings of other students and/or staff and posting to social media is an invasion of privacy and will result in loss of personal electronic devices 


Exceptions to this policy may be granted for students who require the use of a cell phone due to a medical condition or other extenuating circumstances. In such cases, students must provide documentation and receive written approval from the school administration.

2023-2024 School Year Calendar

All schools in the Maple Run Unified School District use the same School Year Calendar.  Click the link to see the calendar or visit the BFA Website

Important Contacts 

Main Office 802-527-6555

John Bratko- Assistant Principal of Student Engagement   802-527-6417

Mark Ginsburg- Dean of Students  802-527-6474

Principal’s Office 802-527-6400

Sara Kattam- Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction    802-527-6558

Guidance Office- 802-527-6571

Elaine Archambault- Director of Guidance  802-527-6572

Please contact us if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you all in the next few weeks.  


Polly Rico

Polly Rico


9th Grade Tours

A big round of thanks to BFA's Interact/Ambassadors for providing tours to incoming students and their families this week. At least 200 students and their families attended one of our tours. 

Outdoor Beautification Project
Thank you to teachers Karla Kane and Christine Trombley for making our 4 Academy Drive entrance beautiful again!!

We hope you've enjoyed the summer of rainbows!