Facilities Notice:
Dear Parents/Caregivers and Staff:
In 2021, the Vermont legislature passed a law requiring all schools to test for radon (see Section 12 of Act 72 (2021)). Our school begins the testing process on January 29th, 2024 ending on January 31, 2024. During the testing, we need to keep all of the windows closed. Fresh air ventilation equipment will be operational.
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about radon testing.
Why is our school being tested for radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas found in rocks, soil, and water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 21,000 people die each year in the United States from lung cancer due to radon exposure. Radon is also the leading cause of lung cancer among people who don’t smoke. Because it has no color, smell, or taste, testing is the only way to know if radon is in a building. This is why the Health Department and the EPA recommend that all homes and schools be tested for radon.
Homes and schools are the places where people are typically exposed to the most radon. Because students and staff spend a lot of time at school, it’s important to make sure we don’t have high levels of radon in our school building. Other schools in Vermont have tested for and found high levels of radon. Once they did, they were able to easily fix the problem.
How does radon enter a school building?
Many factors contribute to radon entering a school building. Schools in nearby areas can have significantly different radon levels from one another. Here are some reasons why some schools have elevated radon levels and others do not:
- The concentration of radon in the soil and permeability of the soil under the school building
- Structure and construction of the school building
- Type, operation, and maintenance of the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system
Why is the testing taking place while school is in session?
Because radon levels can fluctuate throughout the year, radon testing is done during the heating season. Radon levels tend to be the highest during this time since the windows and doors are closed up. The testing period needs to include the time when the school is occupied and operating under normal heating conditions. If we tested when the building is not occupied, we may not be able to determine the actual amount of radon students and staff are exposed to.
Which rooms will be tested?
Every classroom, office, and other commonly used room that is in contact with the ground or above a crawl space or basement will be tested. A small portion of the upper floors will also be tested. Storage rooms, locker rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms will not be tested. Most rooms will have only one radon detector. Some rooms will have more than one.
Len Smith, Director of Facilities, Bellows Free Academy
Congratulations Analyn Blow!
The results are in! Analyn took 1st place and won a $3500 scholarship to
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.
Cora Thomas
Will Hughes
Gavin Clark
Erikka Wright
Leo Millette
Semester 1 Leadership Training Class
Award winners!
Tristan Boomhover
Grace Burnor
Jade Garceau
Will Hughes
Athletic Council Athletes of the Week!
This week’s basketball, cheerleading and indoor track athletes of the week chosen by their coaching staffs. The Athletic Council will be highlighting different teams weekly throughout the winter season.
Congratulations Ruby Dasaro!
St. Albans Messenger Athlete of the Week
The St. Albans Messenger reported "Comets senior guard Ruby Dasaro has been an integral part of the Comets’ success this season. Most recently, Dasaro helped the Comets earn a 55-48 win over undefeated Mount Mansfield Union. Dasaro closed the game with 18 points. Throughout the season, Dasaro has consistently been in double digits for the Comets while also playing a crucial role in all aspects of the game."
VSAC Senior Scholarship Event:
BFA seniors gathered in the library on January 17th with their school counselors for the first of two scholarship events. Katie Gesser from VSAC walked students through the VSAC assisted scholarships including forgivable loans for majors such as nursing, trades, education, and early childhood education. On February 7th, we will tackle local scholarships in a similar event.

Career Connection Opportunity:
Career Connection Opportunity for BFA students. Explore or start your career with VIATRIS (formally known as Mylan). There are 20 spots available for a tour of their facility on 2/7. First come first serve. Live, Learn and Earn locally with a fulfilling career and lifestyle. Register by 2/2 using the link below:
Free Cybersecurity Course:
Dear High School Partners,
CCV is excited to share an exciting opportunity for high school students to enroll in a free one-credit course, Foundations of Information Security. Tuition and fees are funded by a grant aimed to encourage interest in IT and cybersecurity careers, improve cyber awareness, and provide strategies for protecting data and personal information.
Details about the course are on the attached flyer. If you have questions, please contact natalie.searle@ccv.edu or tricia.temple@ccv.edu.
Natalie Searle
Director of Secondary Education Initiatives
Classroom/Enrichment Photos:
Winter Sports:
Indoor Track & Field
Click here for the St. Albans Messenger Article:
Comet Hockey
Comet Basketball
Bobwhite Basketball
Winter Special:
Senior Update:
January 16, 2024
Seniors and Families,
Here is a snapshot of the end-of-the-year culminating events schedule. Please note that we are working on the details for each event and will communicate that information later.

Also, Mr. Murray sent an email reminding seniors again about the community service graduation requirement. All seniors must complete 10 hours of community service and submit completed forms to him by May 17th.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 802-527-6400 or email me at tcallan@maplerun.org.
Sincerely, Theresa Callan, Graduation Coordinator
Save the Dates:
February 1 & 2 - District Music Festival
February 26 - March 5 - No School - Winter Break