Message from Principal Rico
Hello BFA Students and Families,
In my welcome letter at the beginning of the year, I said that the high school would be installing vape detectors in our bathrooms. Installation has taken longer than expected.
As of Monday, 11/11/2024, the vape detectors will be turned on and we will be responding to them. I am reaching out to highlight some of the process and consequences, all of which are outlined in our Handbook (pg. 37- 38):
When there is suspicion of using, or being in possession of, substances, the administration can question a student regarding suspected use.
A vape detector going off while a student is in the bathroom is "reasonable grounds for suspecting" and may trigger a request to search.
Administration will follow Maple Run’s Search and Seizure Policy if needed.
Please take note of the Failure to Comply section.
Being in Possession of substances or paraphernalia is treated the same as Substance Use.
Consequences vary for the type of substance (nicotine, drug) as well as the number of instances.
Please see p.37-38 of the Handbook.
Administration will notify parents/guardians of violations and/or searches.
Please reach out to me, Principal Polly Rico, or Assistant Principal John Bratko if you have any questions. BFA has resources to assist people who need support.
Congratulations Kristen Perrault!
Congratulations Comet Volleyball!

Bobwhite Volleyball!
VSADA Conference
VT Music Educators Association
District 1 String Festival
Starting at 9:30 middle school and high school students started rehearsing with their respective conductors. Samuel Lyons from Timberlane HS in NH directed the MS students. Yutaka Kono from the UVM Music Department directed the HS group. The entire festival was coordinated by MRUSD String Educator Alex “Rusty” Charpentier and hosted by BFA Music Director Eric Bushey.
The rehearsals culminated with a concert in the PAC at 4:30 that featured the MS Group, the HS Group, and a combined group that performed Ozzy Osbornes’ “Crazy Train.” This epic arrangement featured BFA violinists Madeleine Messier (’27) and Molly MacKenzie (’25).
Thank you 10ePhotography and Barb Tenney for capturing these photos of the Vermont Music Educators Association (VMEA) District 1 String Festival held in our Performing Arts Center.
Click here to view the photos:
Youth Booth
Interactors Lilah Powers and Lila Dumont shown above running a "Youth Booth" at City Hall on election day, giving children the opportunity to learn the process of voting by casting their own mock ballot which included abbreviated versions of state, federal and local races.
Poetry Class Field Trip
Upcoming Events
Veteran's Day Parade and Ceremony
11/11/24 Schedule
Parent Teacher Conferences
BFA & NCTC PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES:Wednesday 11/13 from 3:30 - 7:00 p.m. VirtualThursday 11/14 from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m In-Person
We value communication between teachers and families; if the teacher has no available times, please email them to make other arrangements.
Sports Registration & Meeting
Winter sports registration is now open.
Go to and click on "Online Registration" and follow the directions and link there to sign-up. Registration closes November 29th.
Winter Sports Parent Meeting is set for November 20th, 2024 @ 6:30 PM inside the BFA Gymnasium.
Beauty and the Beast
Our Bellows Free Academy Theatre Company is excited to present Disney's Beauty and the Beast on November 21st-24th with shows on Nov 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at 7:00 PM and a matinee on SUNDAY, November 24th at 1:00 PM. All shows are at BFA in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $6 for students, seniors, and faculty/staff and $8 for adults. Come out and support your community, while having a fun-filled night at the theatre! Order your tickets online now at TicketLeap!