Monday, June 8, 2020

Graduation Expectations

Dear Seniors and Families:

This year’s commencement will be 2-part graduation.  The music and the speeches will be recorded before the awarding of the diplomas from June 9th to the 11th.   
On June 13th at 11 am on St. Albans Channel 15, Comcast Channel 1079, and Youtube, we will broadcast the entire graduation ceremony.

On June 9th - 11th, BFA will distribute the diplomas at Collins Perley Sports Complex during a pre-assigned timeslot.  Each time slot will have ten senior families assigned in alphabetically order.  Each senior will be allowed to bring four family members. Everyone must always wear a mask and remain socially distanced in their family group.  We highly suggest that seniors ride to the Complex in the same car as your family. 

All employees of Maple Run will be screened before entering the facility, in the same manner as entering the workplace, will wear masks and gloves, along with frequent handwashing, reminders not to touch their face, along with constant sanitizing of their workplace, objects, and surfaces.   

Upon the senior’s arrival at the Complex in their cars, they will follow the parking direction provided by the staff and signs will remind families to stay in their vehicles until they hear their name announced over the public address system.  Once the senior’s name is called, they will be directed to enter the south end of the Complex through the garage door to the rink.

Upon entering the rink, Maple Run staff (protected by plastic glass) will log in the senior and family.  Each person must answer the following questions at the registration desk:
·         Have you in the past 21 days, or are you experiencing cold symptoms?
·         Do you have shortness of breath?
·         Have you had contact with a suspected or known person with COVID-19?
·         Do you have a fever?  If we have received a remote thermometer, we will use it to check temperatures.
Any affirmative answers to these questions will disqualify a senior from receiving their diploma in person and will be asked to leave immediately.
Each family will be assigned a location (taped square on the floor at least ten feet from another group) to line up in the ice rink and wait for their opportunity to receive their diploma.  Staff will be present to help families find their location, guide the group, and keep people from congregating.
Once the group is assembled in the rink, they will remain at least ten feet apart as they travel to the tennis courts where they will stay in their family groups (taped square on the floor at least ten feet from another group).  The first family group will stage approximately 20 feet in front of the stage, where the four family members will move to the center stage area to prepare to take a photo, while their senior will wait at the bottom stairs.  The senior will walk up the stairs and stand in the box at stage left.  As their name is read, they will walk across the stage, pick up their diploma (in a plastic bag) off a music stand and give an air handshake to the Superintendent and Chair of the Board.  At the bottom of the stairs on stage right, the senior will be reunited with their family.  As seniors progress, each family will move up one taped box on the floor to keep their place in line. 
At the end of the five tennis courts, there would be a photographer (at least 10 feet away) to take a family photo.  If more than one family is waiting, taped boxes will be on the floor to keep families socially distanced.  After the family portrait, families will be ushered out the north side of the Complex and will return to your vehicles as quickly as possible.  The St. Albans Police and Maple Run staff will be outside the building to guide you to your cars and ask them to leave the property as quickly as possible.
Notes on the work between the groups
·         Each group will stage every 30 minutes.
·         All surfaces will be cleaned between each group in the rink and the tennis courts.
·         The music stand will be cleaned between each senior.
·         The stage and stair railings will be wiped down between each group.
·         Breaks will be building in for the staff.
Notes about the organization of the three days and groupings
·         The awarding of diplomas will be on Tuesday, June 9th, 10th, and 11th from 5 to 9 pm.
·         Each group will have ten families and start on the half-hour.
·         Currently, we have 211 seniors.
Notes on recording the award of diplomas
·         One video technician will be there to run three cameras to capture all the video.
·         Each camera will be mounted on a tripod.
·         The audio will be gathered from one person standing at the podium at least 10 feet from any individual.  This individual will have to be unmasked to record a clear 
        reading of the graduate’s name.