Friday, March 5, 2021

Friday, March 5, 2021, Administrative Blog

Dear BFA/NCTC Community:

It is hard to believe it is already March and no one with whom I have spoken thought that we would still be operating in a pandemic one full year later. On behalf of BFA and NCTC, I would like to thank the community for showing such solid support for our work by voting to pass the school budget. While we continue to collaborate on our district’s recovery plan, all of us at BFA and NCTC are committed to seeing our end-of-year activities and traditions remain in place, as much as possible. Along with staff, students and parents, we will be examining ways to improve senior year-end events while maintaining those traditions that have made the senior year extra special. With that in mind, senior parents will soon be receiving an invite to join a virtual meeting to discuss senior activities.

As we plan to continue our weekly newsletter, we would like your feedback on what information you would like communicated. As we would love to hear from you, please email Ms. Callan your thoughts at It would be helpful to know what you would like to see stay, removed, or added to our weekly newsletter.

Have a great weekend. 


Brett Blanchard



MRUSD Dr. Joelle van Lent Family Presentation

March 16, 2021 6:00pm

There is hope on the horizon and yet we remain very much in the midst of coping with the stress of the pandemic. Join us for a conversation with Dr. Joelle van Lent focused on the well-being of our children and ourselves as we continue to navigate this unique school year. Joelle will offer insights and strategies related to coping with ambiguous loss, rebalancing routines, and self-compassion.

The Maple Run Unified School District will be holding another Dr. Joelle van Lent family presentation. This will be March 16, 2021, at 6:00pm. Please use this link to request an invitation.

Math Dept. News:
January Math Students of the Month
The names are in the same order as the pictures.
Brilee Bourgeois, Carly Charron, Anthony Dou,
Maren McGinn, Cadence Ovitt, Travis Parah,
Daniella Reardon, Destiny Smith, Sophie Thompson,
Colin Tourville, Sophia Williams

Junior Class Fundraiser:  #filltheseats Become A Face In The Crowd At BFA Games
Cardboard Cut-Outs With Your Picture on It or You and A Friend etc.
Cost:  $5.00 (cash or checks made out to BFA  Athletics)
Who can participate:  students and/or parents 
Next Tuesday 3/9 & Thursday 3/11 during enrichment students can come to the gym and have their picture taken for a cardboard cut-out that will be placed in the crowd at BFA events.
Parents are more than welcome to send in pictures of themselves to participate in this event.
Pictures can be sent to: slefebvre@maplerun.
Looking forward to seeing your BFA faces in the crowd!  
Lefebvre, Dakota Wry and Brouillette
A Huge shout out to Pete Symula for willing to help in this process.

Mercury News:
Here is the digital edition of our special print edition of The Mercury, which is available in print at BFA (desk at connector/main office/principal's office/guidance office/tech center office) and Hometown. Some copies will also be provided to our sending schools. Thank you to Dino Patsouris at NCTC for helping with the production of this publication, and Joyce Kemp and the County Courier for making the publication possible! Also, thank you to local advertisers who placed ads in our publication!

Yearbook News:
Two IMPORTANT notes regarding the yearbook:
#1 - ABSOLUTE LAST DAY TO PRE-ORDER A YEARBOOK ---FRIDAY MARCH 5, 2021. NO EXCEPTIONS. After this date- you are NOT guaranteed a book. We will have a limited few extras, but once they are gone they are gone. We cannot order more. If you want to make sure that you get a copy of this year’s yearbook- click the following link. Price is $50. Yearbook Sales Link:

#2 - SUBMIT PHOTOS! We would like to have the option to include extra photos that you have squirreled away in your phone from this school year.

We are looking school appropriate photos for:

...siblings/cousins/family where everyone in the photo is a current BFA student.

...winter activities (snowboarding, skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling, pond hockey, etc)

...spring activities (tapping/sugaring, outside of school archery, four wheeling, working on a farm, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, etc)

Please send photos with activities, location and students identified to

Theater News:
Theater students filming their original piece "ICEolation".

Parents brought cupcakes to celebrate the film!

Unified Theater:

Sports Action:
Bobwhites and Comets Hockey 3/3/21


Check out this County Courier Slide Show of our BFA Comet Basketball team from their game on February 27th against Essex.

Jay Peak 3.3.21 Rail Jam BFA Snowboard Team:

Sophia Heth

Photos above: Backflip Silas Trask and 360 Dylan Keelty.