Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday, May 28, 2021, Weekly Administrative Update

 This week's blog focuses on sharing important information, amazing student work, and photos.


SBAC Make-Up Day June 2nd, 7:30am

Any 9th grade or 11th-grade students who were unable to attend SBAC and VSA tests in May are required to attend the standardized testing make-up day on June 2nd at 7:30 am. If you need transportation, please contact Ms. Brunelle at

ALL SENIORS need to return all borrowed computer devices to the IT area by June 4th.  This includes Chromebooks, laptops, and power adapters.



Please note the last day of IN-PERSON school for Grades 9-11:


Blue Group In-Person = Monday, June 14th (No virtual check-in for Green)


Green Group In-Person = Tuesday, June 15th (No virtual check-in for Blue)


Seniors graduate on Saturday, June 12th

Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announcement:

We are pleased to announce this year's Valedictorian and Salutatorians for the Class of 2021.  The Valedictorian is Nathan Smullen.  The co-Salutatorians are Quincy Fournier and Casey Bechard. Please join us in congratulating them on this significant honor!

Nathan Smullen

Quincy Fournier

Casey Bechard

Student Recognition:
Congratulations Ada!
BFA Sophomore, Ada Shookenhuff, of Bakersfield has received a scholarship to continue her high school education at the United World College ISAK in Japan. Ada was among 60 U.S. students selected for the merit-based Davis Scholarships.

UWC is an international high school for 16- to 19-year-olds with 18 campuses worldwide whose mission is to unite cultures through education, thus creating a peaceful, sustainable world. UWC students represent up to 90 countries at some campuses; many come from conflict regions.

UWC offers the international baccalaureate, a two-year pre-university program that is the most widely recognized secondary school diploma in the world.

Senior Week Preparations - T-shirt Distribution:

Junior Jam Rehearsal 5/24/21:

Theater Awards Night June 3rd, 7 pm.

Here is the link for this event:

Sports News:
Loghan Hughes hits 100 career goals in a game against Rice. Congratulations Loghan!

NCTC News:
We would like to congratulate two of our Engineering Technologies students, Connor Powell and Ishai Masada, for securing summer internships at BETA Technologies, an electric flight startup based in South Burlington, VT. They will be working in the Component Quality Control division, measuring components for accuracy to specifications using advanced equipment and techniques.

Thank you to Mr. Vincellette's & Mr. Capsey's Automotive class from NWTC for spending the morning at St. Albans City Pool helping us clean up for the pool season!

Senior Communication:

May 25, 2021

Here is a bulleted list of What to Expect at Graduation on Saturday, June 12th at the Collins Perley Sports Complex:

  • The decision will be made on Friday, June 11th if graduation is an outdoor or indoor event. An alert call/message will be sent to seniors and families.

  • Seniors are to arrive at the Complex at 10 am and promptly report to the rink to line up.

  • Seniors should arrive with their cap and gown on. 

  • Please ride with your families to limit the number of vehicles for parking. Traffic in and around CPSC is congested. Carpooling is encouraged.

  • Once families have parked, they will be directed to the stadium field registration area for check-in. Please have your (4) tickets ready to present.  If it is raining, you will be directed inside the Complex and will display your (2) tickets at the registration area. Once registration is complete, you will be ushered to the socially distanced seating area.

  • If you have special accessibility requirements, please ensure that an usher assists you.

  • Current spacing and mask requirements

    • Adults should still be seated six feet from one another to the best of your ability. If the seating is indoors, guests must wear masks. If the seating is outdoors, guests can remove masks if seated at least six feet from one another.

    • All seniors must be spaced a minimum of 3 feet apart to the extent possible.

    • Seniors will be receiving special masks that have the BFA graduation logo at no cost. Facial coverings may be removed while delivering speeches, accepting diplomas, and for photos.

  • At 11 am, the seniors will march in, be seated and the commencement begins.

  • Whipple Photography will be set up near the diploma stage and will take photos of the graduates receiving diplomas and a pose prior to leaving the stage. BFA is purchasing one 5x7 photo for each graduate which will be mailed home. Additional photo packages will be available for families to purchase. I will send the link for that site as soon as it is available.

  • Another photo opportunity will be located on the Northside of the Complex (when exiting the tennis courts), field paint is being used to display a Congratulations message to the Class of 2021. This could occur at your leisure any time after graduation.

Also, VERY IMPORTANT, here is the link to the Graduation Pre-registration Form that MUST be completed by May 31, 2021:

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me 802-527-6400.


Theresa Callan

Graduation Coordinator