Friday, September 22, 2023

Weekly Administrative Update, Friday, September 22, 2023

Next week is Spirit Week!!

Here is the info for Spirit Week!
Students can win points for their class by:
1. Dressing up each day. 
2. Decorating your advisory door.
3.  Bringing in Cereal Boxes to be donated to the Food Shelf by Interact.
     The boxes will be in the Connector.
4. Decorating your section of the gym with posters.
5. Please encourage students to decorate their float on Friday at @3:30  
    Parade at @5:45.
Thanks for all your support with all the Spirit Week Activities.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Thanks, Mary and Shawn

CVOEO Northwest Family Foods, otherwise known as the Food Shelf, is located on Lemnah Drive (St. Albans) and is struggling to keep food on its shelves.  20% of the individuals served are senior citizens.  Donations are down 22% over 2021 but they are feeding 34% more people. In 2023 the amount of food donations to the Food Bank to the food shelves decreased by thousands of pounds annually.  Please help us donate 500 boxes of cereal to the Food Shelf September 26th-29th (Spirit Week). Donation bins will be in the connector. Your donation will count toward class Spirit Week Points. Help to End Hunger in our county. The Food Shelf feeds 1,000 people a month.

Class of 2027 working on their float for the homecoming parade!

The Dance Team performed at the Flynn
Dancing with Stars!
The BFA dancers performed at the VT Association for the Blind and VI's fundraiser event Dancing With the Burlington's Stars at the Flynn! The students worked hard throughout the summer learning their routine and rehearsing it.

The following comments were made: 
"Your dancers are so nice and kind," a judge of the event said.
"The dance was so beautiful; the students did an amazing job" a participant stated.
"The costumes are beautiful and show the students' athleticism" a participant stated.

The following comments were made by the event organizer:

Mamma Mia Rehearsal!

9th Grade Family Night
A successful 9th-grade Parents Night is on the books!  
Parents attended the drop-in PowerSchool session, learned about all the extracurricular opportunities BFA has to offer, and got to walk their child's schedule to feel what a day in the life of their student feels like.

MRUSD Sports Collaboration
The BFA JVB soccer team had a fun practice with the 5th-grade SATEC soccer team on Friday. The players led warm-ups and a couple of drills before doing a whole team scrimmage. The team did a great job!

Classroom photos
week of 9/18/23 - 9/22/23
Maine College of Art and Design visited Dee Christi’s art classes on September 19th. Embedding college and industry visits into the curriculum is a great way to help students explore their futures and make school-to-work connections.

Pictures of Mrs. Tourville's AC Freshman English class as they analyze persuasive strategies in Animal Farm.

September = National Safety 
Awareness Month

Please read and review the important information below with your family.
Here is the link to the MRUSD 
Safety webpage:

For email and phone notifications please visit the link in this message.

Here are some of the ways that the District has engaged in safety and security preparedness efforts:

  • Monthly Key Focus Areas for 2023-2024

  • We collaborate with local emergency planners and with our first response community on our school emergency preparedness efforts.

  • The District Safety Team also meets monthly with local emergency responders to review and evaluate our emergency procedures and stay up to date on emergency protocols from the State of Vermont.

  • The MRUSD has a strong relationship with our local law enforcement and we often work with these members to discuss potential crisis situations.

  • Our schools also routinely practice safety drills to promote awareness and response to potential emergency situations.



Short-term measures are implemented to protect students and adults in the case of an unsafe situation in the building (usually a student who is struggling or has a medical issue). This command allows us to deal with the issue and keep everyone safe and issues private.


Initiated for a potential threat of danger in the surrounding community. All classroom/office doors are closed and locked, and all students and staff remain inside until otherwise directed. Instruction continues as planned.


Initiated for an immediate threat of danger to occupants of a campus or school building and when any movement will put students and staff in jeopardy. Once implemented, no one is allowed to enter or exit rooms for any reason unless directed by law enforcement.


Implemented when conditions outside the building or off-site are safer than inside or on-site. Requires moving or directing students and staff to move from school buildings to a pre-determined safe location.   

What Caregivers Can Do to Keep Students Safe -

  • Make sure their emergency contact information is up-to-date and comprehensive.

  • Make sure your list of adults who are authorized to pick up their child is up-to-date and that those adults know to always carry their ID with them. Children will not be released to anyone who is unauthorized or cannot provide appropriate identification. 

  • Make sure the school has information about any special needs their child may have.

  • Check their phone/email every morning before they come to school in case there is a problem on campus.

  • Check established communication channels regularly.

  • For caregivers of older children, make sure they feel encouraged and safe to subscribe to “see something – say something.”

  • Encourage their children to take drills seriously, to listen carefully, and follow directions.

During a school emergency, we ask caregivers to -

  • Monitor your telephone and email: We will utilize an automated notification system to inform you of the emergency and provide guidance.

  • Go online and turn on your radio or television: Check our website ( often for updates in the NEWS section. We will keep the media informed of any emergency as well. 

  • Caregivers should not call the school. It is essential to keep phone lines open so school officials can make outgoing emergency calls. If students are ill or injured, the caregivers of those students will be notified first. 

  • Caregivers should not go to the school. One of the greatest challenges facing school officials and first responders is how to manage an onslaught of caregivers. Caregivers might also inadvertently create traffic jams that may block emergency responders from getting to the scene or leaving if necessary to transport injured students or staff to emergency medical facilities. If the emergency necessitates relocation of staff and students, caregivers will be informed via a phone call, social media, and the website. Caregiver’s photo identification is required to dismiss a student. To dismiss a student to any adult other than the caregiver or emergency contact will require written permission from the student’s caregiver.

MRUSD Reunification Process

In the event of an actual emergency, MRUSD has created a reunification process. Find out what to expect by watching the video.

Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event

For more information, please visit the District Safety page.

MRUSD utilizes an automated emergency notification system in the event of a school closing (due to weather or an emergency), which relies on the most up-to-date information you provide.

For email and phone call notifications please be sure your contact information is up to date in PowerSchool. If you have issues logging in, please contact your student's school.

To receive text alerts, OPT IN by sending Yes to 87569. To opt out, text Stop to 87569 or reply with Stop.

Comet Soccer Senior Night

Before the Comet soccer game seniors Adelaide Hughes, Lauryn Johnson, Shelby Royea, Cadence Ovitt, Tessa Sweeney, Mia DesLauriers, Arleigh Richard, Rae Alexander, Brianna Jarvis, and Anna Malboeuf were recognized.


๐ŸˆHomecoming Football Game September 29th 7pm

๐Ÿ’ชPowderPuff Football Game September 30th 7pm

 ๐Ÿ—“️BFA PTO Meeting October 3rd 5 pm

๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚Fall Fest Dance October 7th 7-10pm

Parking๐Ÿš™๐Ÿš™๐Ÿš™- The city of St. Albans has allowed for BFA student parking at the parking garage free of charge. If you would like a parking pass, please stop by City Hall to fill out a form. It has been communicated that if there are incidents of vandalism, unsafe driving and parking, or if trash is left behind, the city will not allow BFA to use the garage. So please represent BFA well.

We want your photos!
Feel free to send us photos or student highlights that you would like included in the weekly administrative newsletter. Send to!