
Re: Urgent Health Forms Request.
We are so excited that your students are at BFA and look forward to supporting their health and wellness. To help us do that, you must complete their Annual Health Form. This form, along with the verification and reduced lunch forms, must be completed every school year. Please go to this link for directions on how to access and complete this form in PowerSchool.
Please note that you can verify if the form has been received this school year by viewing the submit date in PowerSchool. If the form was submitted last school year, please verify the information and resubmit.
We prefer that you complete the annual health form in PowerSchool. However, if you cannot complete the online form, please print and fill out this pdf copy of the Annual Health Form and return it to the school nurse. If you would like to have paper forms mailed to you instead, please contact Teri Brunelle,
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter, as it is vital to our efforts to ensure your student's safety and well-being.
BFA Nurses
Information on ZYN:
We are so excited that your students are at BFA and look forward to supporting their health and wellness. To help us do that, you must complete their Annual Health Form. This form, along with the verification and reduced lunch forms, must be completed every school year. Please go to this link for directions on how to access and complete this form in PowerSchool.
Please note that you can verify if the form has been received this school year by viewing the submit date in PowerSchool. If the form was submitted last school year, please verify the information and resubmit.
We prefer that you complete the annual health form in PowerSchool. However, if you cannot complete the online form, please print and fill out this pdf copy of the Annual Health Form and return it to the school nurse. If you would like to have paper forms mailed to you instead, please contact Teri Brunelle,
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter, as it is vital to our efforts to ensure your student's safety and well-being.
BFA Nurses