Thursday, March 26, 2020

Schedule Clarification

March 26, 2020

Good evening BFA & NWTC,

This message is to provide clarification around the Green and Gold Schedule that was sent out yesterday.

  • It is Not the expectation that students are doing work or are always available throughout the day during the Green and Gold Scheduled times. 
  • We know that students are providing childcare, working, and have others in the house competing for internet connection. 
  • The schedule offers a structured time when a teacher could pre-schedule a meeting with their class without running into the periods that others may be meeting. 
  • If the schedule helps a student stay organized, then they can follow it. 
  • It will be up to the individual teacher to determine the format and communication with the students.

Thank you for your support, and reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Bill, Sara, Lisa, Heather, and Leeann