Friday, March 13, 2020

Update on BFA's preventative measures to COVID-19

March 13, 2020

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians:    
In addition to the letter that you received yesterday from Superintendent Dr. Dirth, I wanted to provide you with some additional information that is more specific to BFA and NWTC.  The BFA Safety Committee met throughout the week and discussed BFA’s preventative measures to COVID-19:

1.   First and foremost we are following the guidance from Vermont AOE and the Department of Health.  Their web pages are updated daily. 
2.   Monday afternoon the AOE sent out a protocol for responding to COVID-19 and the District Safety Team met today to review and finalize the MRUSD Pandemic Flu & Infectious Disease Plan along with two members from the VT Department of Health.
3.   Our Maintenance staff has installed Antibacterial pumps in bathrooms.
4.   Early last week, our Maintenance staff ordered more disinfectant supplies and we are distributing throughout the school for everyone’s use.
5.   The best defense we have for any virus is washing your hands.  I know I learned a bit to polish my technique by watching a video provided by Nurse Val.  Here are links to three:
6.   The two health offices have changed their daily structure.  If students are showing symptoms of a viral infection (coughing, runny nose, fever, etc.) they are to see Nurse Val in the North Building.  All other medical needs, such as, headaches, upset stomach, to name a few, should see Nurse Jodi in the South Building.
7.   Teachers have been asked to review their PowerSchool class roster and review all medical alert icons.   This information helps recognize any students that are at a higher risk of developing adverse symptoms to illness.  Also, the Nurses are talking with parents who have a concern or have children with compromised immune systems.
8.   I am keeping track of school trips and making decisions based on when the trips are happening and where they are going.  
9.   A few people have asked about online learning and we do not have the resources to support distance for learning for all students at BFA.

Lastly, in our social media work, we need to keep ourselves aware of the facts.  I do this daily by visiting the websites above and consulting with our medical professionals at BFA. Also, I remember something I was taught after going through an anxiety rising event, the best thing for the students is to keep to as regular a schedule as possible and focus on their learning.  If the kids bring up the conversation around the COVID-19 virus, acknowledge it, but get back to the daily work that we do every day in service to our kids. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 802-527-6451.


Bill Kimball
Interim Principal