Friday, May 29, 2020
WCAX Graduation Announcement
Have your friends sign your Yearbook - on a digital platform!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
To: BFA/NWTC Parents/Students
From: BFA/NWTC Administration
May 28, 2020
This communication includes several important topics:
Incomplete Scores
Final work for seniors is due on June 9th.
Final work for grades 9-11 is due on June 15th.
Starting June 1st there will be no new proficiency work. Students who have completed all of their assignments will receive enrichment activities and those who haven’t completed all of their assignments will have time to complete work.
Attendance will be counted through the last day of school.
Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) requirements are waived. Unless it was being used to show proficiency in a certain area (i.e., a plan with Mr. Mahabir around Transferable Skills scores)
Senior community service hours are waived.
Monday, June 8th Seniors pass in school materials. (More information to come)
B. REFERRALS on struggling students:
Between May 22 and May 31, administration, case managers, and counselors will be spending efforts reaching out to students and families that have multiple referrals. Students with 1 referral may not be contacted due to the volume of referrals.
Tiers of support:
Tier 3 - Students with referrals from multiple classes (greater than 2)
Tier 2 - Student with referrals in 2 classes
Tier I - Students that are not referred to the administration “as needing support” or only have 1 referral
Interventions (see also Closure Flow Chart)
| Tiers of support | Interventions |
Tier 1
| Students that are not referred to the administration “as needing support” or only have 1 referral | The classroom teacher reaches out to the student and the guardians. |
Tier 2 | Students with referrals in 2 classes | The teacher works with the department chair, school counselor and the student’s other teachers to brainstorm supports. |
Tier 3 | Students with referrals from multiple classes (greater than 2) | The teacher refers the student to the administration.
On June 1st teachers will be entering incomplete (INC’s) scores into Powerschool for students who have not provided enough evidence to receive credit. You can view updated Powerschool scores by 4:00 pm on June 1.
Seniors have until the 9th to complete work in an effort to change that INC to a score. If the INC remains, the student will not graduate and will have to develop a plan to finish work over the summer or return in the fall to remediate their courses.
Grades 9-11 will have until June 15th to complete assignments in an effort to change the INC to a score. If the INC remains they will remediate their courses in the fall.
If you need more guidance on how to view your scores in PowerSchool click here. Please click here to view information on how to look for INC in the final grades using Unified Classroom or the PowerSchool Mobile App.
On June 2nd, all students and their families, who have an INC in PowerSchool, will receive an AlertNow message indicating they need to check PowerSchool and connect with one or more teachers to address the potential incomplete over the final days of school.
There will be an opportunity for students to get remediation (reteach and reassess) in the Fall. We are not certain what that will look like, but the previous year’s teacher will be involved in the remediation. We are awaiting guidance from the AOE.
Three possible ideas are:
2-3 week remediation/enrichment at the start of the year.
Enrichment time remediation
Start the year in the previous grade for 2-3 weeks.
What constitutes an Incomplete Score?
Is the student missing foundational skills and knowledge, creating a learning gap that will negatively impact their future learning?
Would the current teachers’ investment in the student’s remediation in the Fall, close the learning gap?
Did the student fail to meet the indicators for engagement/self-direction for remote learning?
Indicators for Self-Direction for remote learning:
I view the mini-lessons for this class.
I complete and submit the learning activities.
I reach out to my teacher when I have questions or need help.
I use feedback from my teachers to improve my learning.
I am a positive member of my remote classroom community.
If YES to all three questions then the student is scored with an incomplete (INC) in the final score section of the grade book until work is completed.
Scoring and Reporting Guide for Remote Learning Spring 2020
Semester and Year-Long courses
NWTC courses will stay with their scoring guide.
Credit awarded: Students who show sufficient evidence of achievement (either at the time of the progress reports or by the end of the year) and continue to participate during Remote Learning will receive credit and their earned score of 2.5 or above.
Incomplete (INC): The following situations will result in an INC on the student’s transcript. These students will have an opportunity to attend remediation after the school year.
Students who had a composite score between a 1.5 and 2.5 at progress reports and did not participate during Remote Learning to improve these scores, OR
Students who showed sufficient evidence (2.5 and above) of achievement at Progress Reports and did not participate during Remote Learning.
Students who have been participating in remote learning and still have below a 2.5 will receive an INC.
3’s and 4’s: Students who choose to maintain/improve their current skills to above-standard and who continue to demonstrate sophisticated levels of achievement during Remote Learning will continue to be scored according to BFA’s scoring guides.
Credit Denied: If a student has below a 1.5 on their progress report and has not participated in remote learning to bring up their score, a CD (Credit Denied) will appear on their transcript.
Classes that require a higher score to move on to the next level can set their minimum standard for progression (i.e., Spanish II progression to Spanish III)
Note from the Director of Guidance