Good afternoon seniors and families,
Thank you for attending or watching
our live YouTube senior event on Tuesday evening and for all your feedback on
our upcoming end of the year senior activities. We have been actively working
through several coordination aspects and although we do not yet have all the
specific details ironed out, I want to give you a summary of our 4 events and
Tentative Dates:
Senior Distribution Event. Seniors
will go to the Collins Perley Complex, bring back any school items, and
pick up their yearbooks, caps & gowns, and other various items such as
awards, certificates, etc. on Friday, June 5th.
Virtual Sports Banquet. Sunday, June
7, 2020
Virtual Awards and Scholarship
Ceremony, Thursday, June 11, 2020
Graduation. Graduation will be a
2-part commencement process. Seniors and a limited amount of family members
will go to the Complex, the senior will be in their cap and gown, walk across
the stage and receive their diploma, have a photo opportunity, and be ushered
out of the Complex. This will be filmed. All speeches and music will be
recorded. This process will take 2-3 days to accomplish abiding by social
distance requirements. Tentatively Tuesday, June 9th - Thursday, June
11th. The second part of the process will be the overall production
of the ceremony will be broadcast on Channel 15 on Saturday, June 13th at
11 am.
This is a summary and more details
on each specific event will follow next week, including confirmed dates
and times for these events.
Thank you for your continued support
and patience.