Upcoming Events!
BFA Experience
December 5, 2023
November 2023
World Languages and Classics
Students of the Month!
October 2023 Math
Students of the Month!
The names are in the same order as the pictures.
Mary Clare Ayuson, Forest Berno,
Brianna Chaplin, Bella Guerino, Briana Hawkins,
Serena Longley, Aidan MacCallum, Abigail Montagne,
Riley Partlow, Emma Richard
Congratulations to the Cast
and Pit Musicians for a very
successful performance of
Mamma Mia!!
Check out these amazing photos taken by Jon Tenney!
Cross-Country News!
Cross-country team members extended their season by traveling to Boston to compete in the Northeast Foot Locker Regional XC Championships!
Click here for Coach Mashtare's article:
Congratulations to Garrett and Jacoby Soter, Teddy Tremblay, Toby Hurteau, Katilyn Lumbra, and Porter Hurteau.
Winter Coat Drive
Please help Rotary and BFA Rotary Interact ensure that every person in Franklin County has one warm coat. Drop-off sites: The Complex, BFA, The Creamery, People’s Trust (Franklin Park West), NMC, and Champlain Insuring (Swanton).
Classroom/Enrichment Photos
Club Interact and Gaming activities during Enrichment.
School Day Visits
Thank you to all who helped with our School Day Visits. During the past two weeks, 79 school choice students participated in a BFA School Day Visit. Special thanks to the ambassadors who helped to make the events successful. Also a big shout out to Andrew Moore, Bruce Pollard, Kat Salemno, and Mary Brouillette for teaching a course specially designed for the students. If you see one of the Interact Ambassadors who helped, please thank them! Stephanie Hodgeman
Ian Mackenzie
Jacoby Soter
Emma Foster
Marie Desorgher
Toby Hurteau
Natalie Matas
Eleanore Demore
Lilah Powers
Maura Thompson
Molly Clark
Isabella Guerino
Guidance Department School Visits
Chris Pepin speaks to SACS 8th graders.
● December 14 - BFA Dance Performance
● December 19 - BFA Fine Arts Night
Attention Seniors and Families:
The Diploma Name Google Form was sent out to seniors for completion by the end of November so that I can place the order for diplomas. Here is a link to the form:
Diploma Name Form
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 802-527-6400 or email me at tcallan@maplerun.org.
Sincerely, Theresa Callan, Graduation Coordinator